Bagels & Locks Studios



HolidayQuest: Subscription Package

Get a package deal that includes all of the HolidayQuest games and more at a special discounted rate!

The HolidayQuest Subscription Package includes:

  • Curriculum Guides for all of our HolidayQuest games 
  • Group links for each game
  • Discounts on future HolidayQuest games
  • And more!

HolidayQuest: High Holidays Unlocked

We need YOUR help opening a special box that was found among the artifacts of an ancient synagogue. It’s locked with a number of different locks, but everyone is waiting to find out what’s inside, and we’re determined to get it open. Each lock must be opened, in order, so that we can find what’s hidden and reveal the secret contents. We’re sure you are just the right person to join our team of super sleuths, and we’re counting on your amazing talents to help us out today!

Learn about:

  • Shofar
  • Simanim (signs)
  • The Fast of Gedalya
  • Tashlich
  • Teshuva/Tefilla/Tzedakah (repentence, prayer, and charity)
  • Avinu Malkeinu
  • Birkat Kohanim (the Priestly Blessing)
  • Shabbat Shuva
  • Erev Yom Kippur
  • Yom Kippur

HolidayQuest: High Holidays Unlocked has 10 clues. The game is available in Standard, Pro, and Junior versions, and can be played solo, cooperatively, or competitively.
There is also a Curriculum Guide available, designed for use in classroom settings.

HolidayQuest: Chanukah Lights

Your quest awaits! The Chanukah Holiday is 8 days long, and we’ve just been told that there is something incredible waiting to be revealed to us at the end of the holiday, if only we can find it. Your job is to make your way through the holiday, and uncover whatever awaits – it could be momentous! We know you’re just the person for the task, after all, it’s your absolute favorite holiday and you’re really good at finding hidden things.

Learn about:

  • Potato Latkes
  • The Chanukiah (Menorah)
  • Chanukah Music
  • Chanukah Gelt
  • The Maccabees
  • Olive Oil
  • Dreidels
  • Suganiyot (jelly donuts)

HolidayQuest: Chanukah Lights has 10 clues. The game is available in Standard, Pro, and Junior versions, and can be played solo, cooperatively, or competitively.

HolidayQuest: Chanukah Lights is available in English and in Hebrew.

There is also a Curriculum Guide available, designed for use in classroom settings.

HolidayQuest: A Megillah Mystery

A very special Purim Megillah, a real treasure, has disappeared, and we need YOU to recover it! It’s a one of a kind, 1000 year old scroll – and its loss has devastated historians and laypeople alike, all over the world. Your mission is to recover this ancient scroll, even if you have to find it piece by piece… To uncover the pieces of the scroll, you’re going to have to solve the mysterious clues that have turned up all over the world. People have been finding them for days, and our headquarters has gathered them all together for you. Good luck – we’re counting on you!

Learn about:

  • V’Nahafoch Hu
  • Costumes
  • Graggers (noise-makers)
  • Mishloach Manot
  • Kings & Queens
  • Hamantaschen
  • Matanot La’Evyonim
  • Megillat Esther

HolidayQuest: A Megillah Mystery has 10 clues. The game is available in Standard, Pro, and Junior versions, and can be played solo, cooperatively, or competitively.

There is also a Curriculum Guide available, designed for use in classroom settings.

HolidayQuest: The Missing Matzah

Mysterious matzah disappearances are being reported all around the world so we’ve been asked to find out what’s going on… And you are the agents with the right skills for this task! Your job is to discover where the matzah is going and help us restore Pesach (Passover) for everyone! We (and celebrants around the world) are counting on you! So let’s begin at the beginning. Good luck!

HolidayQuest: The Missing Matzah

Learn about:

  • The Seder
  • Bedikat Chametz
  • The Seder Plate
  • The Four Cups
  • Mah Nishtanah
  • Matzah
  • The Ten Plagues
  • Splitting of the Sea
  • Moses
  • The Afikoman

HolidayQuest: The Missing Matzah has 10 clues. The game is available in Standard, Pro, and Junior versions, and can be played solo, cooperatively, or competitively.

There is also a Curriculum Guide available, designed for use in classroom settings.